Film Director Agreement Template For Film Production

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Checklist of matters to be considered in drafting a contract for the employment of an actor in the motion picture industry:

  1. 1. Names of parties.
  2. 2. Addresses of parties.
  3. 3. Statement of hiring.
  4. 4. Duties of actor.
  5. 5. Exclusive nature of actor's services.
  6. 6. Performances other than in motion pictures required of actor (for example, radio or television appearances).
  7. 7. Producer's right to loan actor's services.
  8. 8. Place or places of performance.
  9. 9. Duration of contract.
  10. 10. Suspension of contract or employment.
  11. A. During actor's incapacity.
  12. B. During interruption of employer's business.
  13. C. While actor in default.
  14. 11. Termination of contract.
  15. A. Grounds (for example, actor's incapacity or inability to perform, or suspension of production).
  16. B. Procedure.
  17. 12. Compensation of actor
  18. A. Amount.
  19. B. Additional compensation for extra services, and the like.
  20. C. Times payable.
  21. D. Right to suspend or terminate compensation.
  22. E. Right to extend term of contract.
  23. F. Reimbursement of expenses for, or furnishing of, transportation for actor.
  24. G. Board and lodging while on location.
  25. 13. Ownership of proceeds of actor's work.
  26. 14. Right to use actor's name, likeness, recordings, photographs, and the like, for advertising purposes.
  27. 15. Credits to be given to actor
  28. 16. Providing costumes and wardrobe for actor.
  29. 17. Right to dub actor's voice and to use double or substitute actor.
  30. 18. Conduct of actor.
  31. 19. Liability of actor for damage caused by unauthorized absences.
  32. 20. Life, health, or other insurance for actor.
  33. 21. Effect of interruption of production or of closing of theaters from which producer derives revenue
  34. 22. Guarantee of employment.
  35. 23. Assignment of contract or of rights under contract.
  36. 24. Layoffs.
  37. 25. Breach, including:
  38. A. Effect of breach;
  39. B. Rights and remedies of parties; and
  40. C. Effect of waiver of breach.
  41. 26. Incorporation of union agreement, rules, or regulations into contract.
  42. 27. Manner of giving notice.
  43. 28. Indication of jurisdiction whose law governs contract
  44. 29. Effect of illegality of provisions in contract.
  45. 30. Signatures of parties.
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