School Letter of Intent

A school letter of intent (or a statement of purpose) is a letter that is sent to a school committee that deals with school applications. The goal of this form is to set the tone for the entire application and show the individuality and achievements of the applicant to increase their chances of admission.

Before you write a letter of intent for school, you should thoroughly think of all the achievements that will help you stand out from the crowd of other applicants.

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Create a Personalized School Letter of Intent Form online in under 5 minutes! Type-specific Forms Table of Contents
  1. What Should Be Included in a School Letter of Intent?
  2. How to Fill Out a School Letter of Intent
  3. Sample Letter of Intent for School

What Should Be Included in a School Letter of Intent?

A school letter of intent is a crucial document when it comes to expressing an applicant’s interest in a certain school and explaining what contribution they can bring if they get enrolled. The letter of intent as any cover letter should show what value both parties can get as the result of the applicant’s admission.

There are no standard contents for a school letter of intent. They will vary by program or school the applicant is considering. Generally, when you write a letter of intent, it should include:

The more interesting and outstanding the letter will turn out, the higher chances an applicant has to get admitted to the school they want.

A letter of intent sample is provided on our website. Use the letter of intent template to get an idea of what style and phrases to use when writing it.

How to Fill Out a School Letter of Intent

A school letter of intent is typically a short document that should grab readers’ attention from the first seconds of reading. Let’s consider how to fill out a letter of intent for graduation schools.

Step 1 – Information about the applicant and the effective date

The first step is to write the name of the candidate in the top left corner of the letter of intent. The name should be complemented by the address and contact information. Beneath it, include the effective date of the letter.

Step 2 – Information about the graduate school

Under the effective date, there should be information about the graduate school the applicant desires to be admitted to. It should include the name of the entity and the title of the person who is in charge of getting the admissions, its address, and telephone number.

Step 3 – Main body

The main body of the letter of intent template might consist of several paragraphs. It should be concise but interesting to read.

The first paragraph of the letter of intent might tell about the applicant’s interest in the graduate school they are writing to. For instance, you might tell that graduate school is famous for its career-focused education and this is the reason why you dream of studying at this exact school.

In the same paragraph, you might also state what particular program interests you and why you find it an excellent opportunity for yourself. For example, if you want to become a teacher, tell that you have good organizational and communication skills that will be intensified at the chosen program. Or, if you dream of becoming a programmer, tell about your passion for technologies and how the school will help advance the knowledge in the field.

The next paragraph should touch on your previous academic achievements. For example, you might tell that you got a bachelor’s degree in the relevant field and describe what skills and knowledge you were taught. It is also a good idea to mention GPA and that you can provide recommendation letters to prove that you are a diligent and dedicated student.

Here, you might also mention your work experience if any. It would be great to provide any experience in the relevant field that was gained during studies to show strive for knowledge and acquaintance with the industry.

Step 4 – Closing

The last paragraph of the letter of intent template should be a respectful statement about you being eager to get enrolled at the desired school and that you would be honored to become an addition to the school community. You can also tell that the admission committee should use contacts provided in case they need any additional information.

Step 5 – Signature

The letter of intent should end with “Best regards” or “Respectfully” and the signature and name of the candidate.

If you would like to get a customized letter of intent for school, use our online document builder. The system will offer you to answer a set of questions about you and your goals and achievements. It won’t be more than 5 minutes before you will get an outstanding sample letter of intent that will help you come off as a unique applicant that is worth getting admitted.

Sample Letter of Intent for School

From: Elisa Morris
82 Briarwood St.
Houston, TX 77081
Phone number: +1334557668

To: The Dean of Studies
Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry
3302 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX 75246

I am Elisa Morris, and I am applying for a dental school this fall season. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and have been a high-achieving student intending to pursue a career in dentistry. I believe that I have the drive and patience to become a successful dentist.

During a year of working in the dental office as a dental assistant, I gained valuable dental techniques and processes. Some of my duties were preparing equipment and doing basic check-ups. Furthermore, I had to build rapport with clients, which helped me improve my organizational and communication skills. Throughout my work there, I was able to show high performance, which can be proved by my supervisor in the letter of recommendation she kindly provided.

I believe that Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry is exactly the type of school that will help me master the skills necessary for becoming a professional in the dental field. Most of all, I appreciate that your dental school curriculum involves an abundance of hands-on practice that surely helps prepare the best experts in dentistry.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.