
If asbestos is disturbed it can release dangerous fine particles of dust containing asbestos fibres. Breathing in dust containing asbestos fibres can cause asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

The University maintains an Asbestos Register which contains information on where Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is located on University property. Prior to undertaking any renovation work, the University’s Asbestos Register is consulted to identify if any Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) may be present. If ACM is identified as still present, work will be conducted in accordance with legislative requirements for its safe removal which will include a clearance certificate.

If any suspected ACM is discovered in an area not listed on the Asbestos Register during the renovation process, the work will cease immediately. The area will be isolated and Facilities Management will be contacted to arrange for a sample to be taken for analysis by an accredited laboratory. If ACM is confirmed, removal will take place in accordance with legislative requirements which will include a clearance certificate. The University Asbestos Register will also be updated. If ACM is not confirmed, work will continue as originally planned.

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