
Final grades for the semester are available to students through the Student Information System (SIS). Follow View My Grades from the Student Menu. From this location, undergraduate students can also review their academic standing, and cumulative or term GPA.

Grade reports/report cards are not mailed at the end of the term. If students need a hardcopy of their grades, they have several options:

Faculty Grading

Grades are due 48 hours after a scheduled final exam. If no final exam is given, grades must be submitted on the first day grades are due according to the schedule that is published each semester. If you have students who attended your course, but whose names do not appear on the roster, please send us a memo or email with the student's name, course name and CRN and grade. We will research the student's registrations to see if the grade can be assigned to the student.

If the student EVER attended, based on work completed, you are urged to assign a grade (e.g. F grade). If the student NEVER attended or stopped attending, in the Not Attending Column, enter the approximate percentage of the term that the student DID attend classes. For example, if a student NEVER attended, enter no grade for that student and in the Not Attending Column, enter 00. If a student attended for about half the term, enter 50; for a student who attended all term long, but didn't show for the Final Exam, enter 100. DO NOT USE A % SIGN in the Not Attending Column as this is a NUMERIC field. We will research the student's record and assign the appropriate administrative grade or adjust the student's registration.

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1977 (P.L./39-380) specifically prohibits the posting of student grades by name or ID. Students can see their grades on SIS within 24 hours of your submitting them on-line

Master and Doctoral Thesis/Project registrations are now graded every term, either S (Satisfactory progress) or U (Unsatisfactory progress). The S or U grade reflects a single term's research progress. Please note that students who do not make satisfactory progress and are assigned a U grade will still earn the thesis credit hours for the term and the U grade won't need to be changed when the thesis/project is completed and turned in to the Office of Graduate Education.

If you agree to assign an Incomplete (I) grade to a student, you do so in SIS, just as you do when entering your other grades for the course.

NOTE: You must also complete an Incomplete Authorization Form with the student and submit this form to the Registrar. Incomplete Grade Authorization Forms are not issued to students. Instructors may get them from their departmental office or use the Incomplete Grade Authorization Form available from the Instructor menu in SIS (Login Required).

The Registrar will "roll" grades to students' records every night. On the Web Grade Roster, you will see those grades noted in the Rolled Column. Once a grade has been "rolled" to a student's academic history, you can only change the grade on a Change of Grade form (available through the Instructor menu in SIS) submitted to the Registrar. You cannot change rolled grades on the web.

Text Block

Final Exam Schedule and Conflicts

*Please check the schedule below for the exact date and time of your final exam, listed according to EDT. If you have a time conflict or need accommodation due to a time zone difference, please contact your instructor. Make-up exams will be given in accordance with the conflict resolution procedure listed below.

Faculty are strongly encouraged to be flexible in offering alternate exam times for students facing time conflicts and time zone issues. Please also be mindful that not all students have access to reliable internet so an alternate assessment should be provided in that case.

Final Exam By Date
Please check for changes prior to your exam. Changes are indicated by Bold Type .

Final Exam By Subject
Please check for changes prior to your exam. Changes are indicated by Bold Type .

Students who have conflicts between two or more exams given at the same time will resolve the matter of who will give the make-up exam in the following manner:

  1. The lower level course has precedence over an upper level course. For example, if a student has a conflict between a 2000 and a 4000 level course, the instructor of the 4000 level course must give a make-up exam.
  2. If both courses are the same level, the student should approach each instructor to determine if one of the instructors will give a make-up exam.
  3. If both instructors refuse to give a make-up exam when requested under the circumstances of item #2, the student should see the department scheduler. It will be that scheduler's responsibility to call his/her counterpart in the other department to determine who should give the make-up exam.
  4. If the two schedulers cannot reach a compromise, the scheduler originally approached by the student should call the Associate Dean of his/her school and ask the Dean to flip a coin and the loser of the toss will have to give a make-up exam.

If you have more than two exams in one day.

Any student with more than two final exams in one day can request that a conflict exam for the third exam be given on a different day and would follow the conflict resolution instructions listed above.

**Per the Provost’s memo, classes and final exams may not be scheduled during the designated reading days each semester.**